
uh oh it’s been months again.

merry christmas, everyone!

christmas 2

a christmas present for my father, hand-carved penchristmas 1

a christmas present from my parents, a new bed for my guest room and a moroccan wedding blanket

christmas 3

a gift for a friend, embroidery piece featuring some choice words from hova and yeezy

i hope this holiday season is treating you as well as it is me

photo dump: summer’s end

got a new hair cut.. this is my sassy hair cut face

got a new hair cut.. this is my sassy hair cut face

bought this record the other day on my shopping spree <3 <3

bought this record the other day on my shopping spree

matchy matchy nails in bed

matchy matchy nails in bed

covered my notebooks for next year

covered my notebooks for next year

mega blurry shot of a fun night with friends, screenshot from a video

mega blurry shot of a fun night with friends, screenshot from a video

sweet blackberries

sweet blackberries

so i learned how to roller skate for a play this summer...

so i learned how to roller skate for a play this summer…


summer is halfway over. i can’t believe it! I’ve had a beautiful summer so far, full of good times with good people!

here’s a photo dump of my summer so far, including my mostly finished BeyoncĂ© project







