going for gold

everyone has goals for the new year, even if they don’t really want them. of course, i’ve got the obvious ones in mind. be healthy. save more money. read more. floss more. and so on.

i wanted to share with you some of my goals for the new year that aren’t so cookie cutter blah blah i’ll probably forget them by january 1st.

1. be more intentional when i buy clothes (and maybe, just maybe, buy less). this past week, i ran out of clothes hangers, so i did a quick run through of what i didn’t wear often enough to keep. i filled TWO (!!!) gigantic j. crew bags full of clothes, which thankfully my little sister took off my hands.

2. find furniture and art pieces i love, especially for my guest bedroom and another piece for my living room. i want my home to be a place where i like to spend my free time. plus, getting a guest bed that i love made me feel so adult.

3. be less afraid to try new things in the kitchen, and perfect several meals. i love eating, and for that reason, i love cooking. i bought a gorgeous cookbook, which i referenced in my last post, and i’m looking forward to trying nearly EVERY recipe! i would also love to entertain more, and this will give me a wonderful excuse to host parties galore. i’d like to cook two dishes a week.

these probably aren’t anything wild and crazy, but the idea of envisioning who and what i want to be always seems like a good idea.

what are your goals for the upcoming year? any tips to help me with my goals?

higher than a

one of my best friends and i have very similar taste in music, and he never fails to introduce me to artists i end up loving.

if you haven’t heard this song yet, you’ll probably listen to it five times in a row. the first time i heard it, i wasn’t impressed, but now that i’ve been listening to it on repeat, i love it. i actually listened to fka twigs’s song papi pacify first, and was enthralled by all the glitter in the video, which lead me to this song. apparently this is the more popular single, but i hadn’t heard it.

fka twigs reminds me of the weeknd meets janelle monae? i mean style-wise she’s not similar to janelle at all, but i think in terms of having a strong brand and similar target audience. what do you think? have you heard any good music lately?

photo dump: summer’s end

got a new hair cut.. this is my sassy hair cut face

got a new hair cut.. this is my sassy hair cut face

bought this record the other day on my shopping spree <3 <3

bought this record the other day on my shopping spree

matchy matchy nails in bed

matchy matchy nails in bed

covered my notebooks for next year

covered my notebooks for next year

mega blurry shot of a fun night with friends, screenshot from a video

mega blurry shot of a fun night with friends, screenshot from a video

sweet blackberries

sweet blackberries

so i learned how to roller skate for a play this summer...

so i learned how to roller skate for a play this summer…

five things friday

1. major inspiration source at giveit100.com. one of my favorite’s is ricki’s dancing, so cute and fun!

2. my dear friend sent me a video by san fermin the other day and said it would simply make my day. he was right. then, i stumbled on the band’s npr tiny desk concert. it blew me away.

3. yesterday, my favorite author, gabriel garcia marquez, passed away. 100 years of solitude has been my favorite book for years. i was very sad to hear of his passing, but it sounds like it was an end to his suffering, so i guess i can be thankful for that. do you have a favorite author?

4. do you have a go-to staple item of clothing? for me, it’s a good striped shirt. i have five, and it’s the hardest thing for me to walk away from one at the store. i might need this print from etsy.

5. last weekend was prom! i freaked out about what to wear momentarily, because what do grown ups wear to prom? i think it turned out to be a lovely event, and i was proud of my students for acting tastefully.

ps: i won prom queen.

prom queen


you may have seen this video making the rounds on the internet:


wow… don’t you just wanna sit in the middle of all those flowers coming at you? even though it’s an advertisement, i just love the idea. the colors are breathtaking really.

here’s the behind the scenes. these guys are super cool: