
i’m fan-girling hard on some j. tillman today. i’ve been listening to fleet foxes and father john misty all morning! here’s a flaming lips cover that is crushworthy!


summer is halfway over. i can’t believe it! I’ve had a beautiful summer so far, full of good times with good people!

here’s a photo dump of my summer so far, including my mostly finished Beyoncé project










do you ever mix patterns? sometimes I feel like all I ever wear is stripes. I am not ready to give that up, but I’ve been mixing things up by adding in some other patterns.


polka dots and stripes! this skirt is a kimchi blue skirt I grabbed at urban outfitters and the shirt is a favorite crew t from target. I apologize for not having a full outfit photo, but what’s a single gal to do?

I also have been wearing headbands nonstop. my hair is crazy long right now, and since my bangs are too long to do much with, headbands have been keeping my hair out of my eyes. to top off this crazy pattern outfit, I’ve got on a sweet floral j. crew headband.


what do you think? are you pro mixing patterns? are you even bolder than i am?

taking stock


Making : embroidery projects
Cooking : next on my list is this squash cornbread with the addition of jalapenos!
Drinking : too much alcohol, and iced green tea lattes
Wanting : more time in the day
Looking : at Kelly O’Connor‘s gorgeous collage work, like the piece above!
Playing : old gwen stefani, magnetic fields, and james blake
Deciding : how to treat myself this summer
Wishing : my sleep schedule would normalize
Enjoying : adventures with the kids i’m nannying this summer
Waiting : for cool autumn nights
Loving : sunbathing and online shopping
Watching : true blood! eek!
Wearing : stripes, stripes, stripes

recent pins

so, i’ve been MIA for sure, but i’ve been super active on pinterest. feel free to follow me!

here are five of my favorite pins from the past few days:


1. this mid century modern record storage. it was only $45, so of course it sold quickly. i should have treated myself!


2. always, rose. tumblr_mskbz9HeG21sxn6coo1_1280


3. these earrings are gorgeous, but look a little on the heavy side. what do you think? which pair would you choose? i love the pink hoops.


4. THESE SHOES. but where would i wear them? do i actually need to ask that question?



5. have you seen moroccan wedding blankets before? i’m in love with the look, and can’t wait until i can splurge and add one to my home. i’m really eyeing this one, in off white and silver tones.


what are you loving these days?

sunday morning

it’s been a quiet little morning. I got some coffee downtown and now I’m watching the sweetest little girl. i am so thankful for this peaceful day. this month has been so busy, even with my weekend getaway to the beach. i needed a break to slow down before summer starts.


how do you slow down?

oopsy daisy

i didn’t forget about you, i promise. it’s just been hectic! spring break happened, and my best friend came to visit. then she graduated, and i went out of town! we went on a pubcycle. more on that later..


for now, i’ll leave you with a little list of things i like and want. a wishlist of sorts!



i’ve been listening to this guy on repeat, seriously. have you heard about him? a minnesota teen reminiscent of james blake and the weeknd, and i’m really digging him.


i am dreaming of wearing these shoes to work every day. at first i thought i just wanted the brown ones, but no, i want all three colors.


my walls are more or less bare in my little apartment, so i’ve been lusting after some gorgeous art to put on the walls. i’m especially digging this minimalist, gigantic piece here:

Screen shot 2014-01-21 at 9.40.05 AM

i can’t find an original post to credit, sorry.


i’m excited to try this cold brew recipe, and i’m considering buying one of these toddy things..


i caved and bought dior addict lip glow. it’s in the mail, and i cannot wait to test it out. i’ll let you know all about it when it gets here.


in other news, i’ve got a handful of days left at school, and i’m going to the beach this weekend! summer’s going to be here before i know it. i promise not to abandon you in the meantime. ❤